Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where did Sleep come from?

One of the things I've wondered about is where did sleep come from? One commentator to the blog mentioned that is is how God created us - essentially stating we were designed to sleep. I've heard this elsewhere but that idea has never sat real well with me. So after much thought, I've decided that God didn't design sleep - at least initially. Here's something you will never hear from a preacher.

Sin caused Sleep.

You heard it here first. There is no mention of sleep or rest in the Garden of Eden except as a basic anesthetic when Adam has the rib-ectomy. And I don't buy the "well it is taken for granted" argument either. Leading creation scientists argue that Noah's flood was the first time it rained - ever. And in fact there is no mention of rain until the flood. (Which puts Noah's faith at a crazy high level by the way.) Basically, we can't argue that Adam and Eve slept in the Garden of Eden because the Bible doesn't mention it one way or the other. That being said, I can't definitely say that they didn't sleep either. So - next point.

Let's look at the purpose of sleep. Physically is helps up to recover from the day's activities. This is seen in the extreme when we are sick because we sleep more. I recently had a 6 hr sleep at night, was up for 2 hours feeling sick, and then slept 24 out of the next 27 hours. I got better. We also know that children sleep more than adults so there is an aspect of physical growth and perhaps brain development and even memory organization. Tons of ideas exist about how much sleep a person at a given stage of life needs but not why. It is all based on seeing the results of not getting "enough".

If God created everything in the Garden as perfect, and humanity was one of those creation, then there is no reason to think that bodies got sick or broke down beyond the natural rate of self repair. Adam expended energy and refueled with perfect Garden hi-test 100% efficiency. This can be confirmed by looking how old the people lived in the first chapters of Genesis. 900+ is a long time for one body to last - but only by today's standards.

So there you have it. Sin caused sleep.


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